Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pismo Beach! Here We Come!!

No, we're not really going to Pismo Beach. I just borrowed one of my favorite lines from Bugs Bunny. We are going to a beach, though. Virginia Beach. We are only going to be gone for 4-5 days, but we are so due for a vacation!

If there is such a thing as being vacation-challenged, we would fit every criteria. For 8 years, we had 1-2 children in college. It completely sapped us of all spending money and then some. Sadly, our youngest child paid the biggest price for his sibling's higher education.
At 17, he is the least traveled of our kids.

So, when I asked him where he would like to go for a little vacation, he just said "Wherever there's water." Well, that's all I needed to hear! We have reservations at a hotel right on the beach with a really cool (3, actually) pool(s)!

See you next week!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

You Gotta Love Friends!

I teach fifth grade at the elementary in our area. There are 4 classrooms of most grade levels depending on the size of the class. I love the people I work with! We are the most tenured grade level in our building. Between the 4 of us, we total 125 years in education. (Wow! That makes us sound ancient!! ) We've been married (each to our original husband) for a combined total of 137 years. There are 8 children between us and 6 grandchildren. We have a great time together.

Before we left on the last day of school, we made plans to meet for dinner today. We rode to our destination together, ate dinner at one of our favorite places, shopped a little, then met back where we had left our cars. Still talking.......we do that best.....we stood together along a busy street in the town where we teach. Several acquaintances, former students, parents, friends, neighbors, etc. drove by as we smiled and waved to them. What was so amusing to them...and to us..... was that we are the fifth grade teaching staff at our elementary and was enjoying each other's company. They knew it and so did we.

What a blessing in my life to work with friends! Sweet, sweet.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer's First Outing

My best friend and I did a little shopping today. Joni always makes things so much fun! Who else could make shopping for sheets, mattress pads and pillows a blast?? JCPenney's will never be the same! They will probably take us off of their coupon mailing list to prevent our return any time soon.

Before we stopped at one of our favorite malls, we had other shopping to do first. I know this may sound weird, but MVH in Dayton has really nice gift shops. The one for babies is really nice. So, since I needed to buy a baby gift, we went there to shop. I wasn't disappointed with their selection. I found the sweetest baby book and little brag book to match. I love stuff like that.

Our mid-day lunch was at Olive Garden. We were there for over an hour catching up on things.

Cost of bedding:$103.59
Olive Garden: $16.75
Gas: $37.00.....Geesh!!
Day spent with my bestest, dearest friend: PRICELESS!!!

Monday, June 08, 2009

I'm Back!!

It's my first official day of Summer Vacation. I'll try to do a better job of blogging. I read others' every day and feel like I almost know them. But, I'm really bad at keeping up with mine. It's not that I don't have enough time. I'm not any busier that the others ladies who blog every day. I just have a hard time putting down my thoughts, sometimes. If you knew how verbally expressive I am, you might be laughing out loud with that last statement.

Anyway, I'm resting up after the last hectic weeks of school and having attended/helped with some high school graduation parties. Last weekend, I helped a good friend with her grandson's party. This weekend (yesterday) I helped with my brother's step-daughter's party. Both of them were in the same graduating class. Their school colors are blue and red. My kitchen is red and white, so I have a lot of red "extra" serving pieces that work well with these events. I love to entertain, so I have a lot of other things, as well, that I share when asked.

I, also, take request for favorite foods and fix them for events. For Storm's party, I fixed 2 huge pans of Baked Hash Browns, which has led to the request for them at another party this coming weekend. For my nieces' party, I fixed (her specific request...I CAN'T turn a kid down!) potato salad, a huge cheese ball, and a Sloppy Pineapple Cake. I made this same cheese ball for her 16th birthday party and made it into a big "16". I wasn't as creative yesterday. I figured my 2009 would look weird, so it was just a big oval cheese ball covered with chopped pecans. I threw in another cheese ball that, she didn't ask for but liked, was made with confectioner's sugar and chocolate bits. You eat it on graham crackers instead of salty ones. Very good, I must say.

We received 4 grad party invites this year; two last Saturday and 2 were yesterday. I hate it when things are at the same time!! My cousin's daughter's party was 60 miles away from here at almost the same time as my niece's. I really helped a lot with setting up my niece's and fixing the food, so I couldn't make it to the other one. I hate that.......I love to visit family and friends and want to go to them all! I sent a check and card with our regrets, but it's not the same.

Enough of my randomness........Have a great day! I've got to accomplish SOMETHING this first day of vacation! Even, if it's wrong :)