Saturday, August 01, 2009

The Perfect Birthday

Today is my birthday! I am 50 years old today!!!! Gee, I can't believe I said that. I've dreaded this for weeks but it's been a wonderful day.......a couple of wonderful days.

Yesterday, my husband took a vacation day and we spent the day together. He went with me to the doctor (which is not so great but I'll leave that for another post), went to see a movie, then, had great steaks for lunch. We saw the movie "Up". It was soooooo good! It certainly was perfect for the weary frame of mind I've been in lately. My perspective about turning 50 completely changed by the end of it. Maybe that's over-stating things a bit, but it was very thought provoking. Great, great movie!

My husband and kids surprised me with a birthday party this evening! Bless their hearts!! It was so much fun! Most of my family and close friends were there. I loved every minute of it! The sweetest present was from my own kids. They completely surprised me with a picture of the 3 of them together. It is a wonderful picture of them! It also has some composite pictures on it of my grandson, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law. They had planned the photo shoot and had them taken totally under the radar :) I had no idea. It is such a great picture of each of them.

So, I had the perfect birthday today. If the rest of my life is even a tiny bit like what today has been......with the awesome family and friends I have...........being fifty will be a piece of cake!!


Blogger Jessica said...

Oh my goodness!! I am so glad you left a comment. We may be soul sisters! Ha, ha!

I love that you teach 5th and have a motorcycle too. Aren't they just the best?? AND you have a new grandbaby too? We do have a lot in common!

It is so very nice to meet you! : ) I'm glad you left a comment. I love meeting new people, even if it is only in bloggy land.

Take care and visit again soon. I'll do the same! : )

12:32 AM  

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